— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Inna: I read an interesting book on psychology... There by age, kind of occupation (with a detailed description of the kind of occupation!) The content of the refrigerator.You can say a lot about a man! Nobody wants to try?
Inna: Only then be sure to tell if the resume is consistent with you or not.
CraftMaster: Well okay. They went. I am 31 years old, I am a programmer (mainly SUBD, such as FoxPro, Access, SQL, but sometimes Delphi, C++, MMB, php, pearl, REXX (one of the programming environments under Java), well, and all the similar hemorrhoids).
CraftMaster: In the refrigerator, for five seconds I look
CraftMaster: A bottle of vodka, 8 bottles of beer, a pack of peelings, 5 chicken eggs and an apple bite (later thrown out).
Inna: for a moment...
Inna: Eye fucking, there is nothing near here that would fit under this description.
Inna: You do not have a clear belonging to science-known psychotypes

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna