— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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12 years ago, I went from the MKAD to Moscow (Lublin).Tormozit young Gibbon(years 22-25)check the docks.
For the form he asks:
Do you have cold weapons?
“Yes, I say, a gas car, a big knife, it’s a sapphire blade.
Why all this?
There was a big troll in me!! to
Gas car, knife cut, knife cut, knife cut.
Cut off the car, click the lock on the machine:
Remove the luggage!! to
I go with the trollface to break away, saying:
I have already buried it...
I open, not looking into the trunk.I notice that the face of Gibbon is green...I turn to the car...MAMA-PEREMA!!I bought the carcasses and bones for my dogs in the morning and there was a film in blood in the luggage!I just forgot to remove it after unloading the bags...I will remember the day at the CPS for a long time, until the experts found out WHO’S THAT BLOOD)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna