— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the 73rd year, in the summer, somewhere beneath Jerusalem, to one Lieutenant Colonel-Reserve was handed over a number of tanks, infantry, parachutists, artillery, SPN, reconnaissance officers, etc. (In general, such an unclean half-brigade) to prepare them for the parade. combat units, with their standard combat weapons and BC, to
Jerusalem by hand. So at this time the GSH receives a delegation of some banana republic from South America, and decided to bring them to show the parts that will be on the parade. So the banana general walks and sees that the soldiers and equipment in front of him, ammunition and shells too, even now in battle, and protects. Well, they show him a puppy-backed reserve officer in a choked tent and say, “Here he is a mathematician at the citizenship, and we put him in a parade to organize.”

The general asks the subordinate:
And what will you do with all this?
I will also hold a parade for a citizen.
The general sadly and with misunderstanding in his eyes:
If I had all of this and a capital behind my back, but not covered with anything,
In an hour of tanking, I would already be President!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna