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When this story happened and was quite fresh, I told it, with puppy enthusiasm, to all my loved ones and acquaintances. Later, I recalled it often, but I did not decide to tell. The story might seem unlikely.
In February 1972, I, a very young man, was given a wedding gift at work – they provided two trips to the Black Sea Pension.
In the summer, of course, about such a gift and dreaming was funny. And then they congratulated me and removed my summer vacation.
From the first days of rest, several tournaments were organized at once. I played chess quite well when I was young. At the amateur level. The first place was always mine. Sometimes he performed well for the collective at the city spartakis. But at a serious, professional level, I never had to act.
Enrolled in the chess tournament for the first pention. Mostly, all the parties were quick and light.
In the room, next to our, lived a quiet and unnoticed couple. Both under 40. Wherever you meet them, he must have supported his spouse under the pen. In the dining room, where everyone was always sitting in permanent seats, they ate at the next table.
We met and greeted in the hallway. introduced to each other.
He is Misha. I do not remember my wife. We are also named. I asked their paternity, Michael only wrapped his head, saying, not so much difference in age. They praised me as a chess player – it turns out, they went in and watched the tournament.
My young wife was proud to tell me about my successes in chess production. Misha proposed to play with him. They took a board on the floor and sat in the hall. The women quietly cried something.
My, at first, firm position suddenly dissolved and it became clear that it was pointless to continue the party. I surrendered and told Misha that I understood where I was “missing.” He quickly moved the figures into a position where no one had an advantage. Continued differently. Five or six moves was enough to realize that I was “cranks” again. Return to a familiar position. I, taking into account the mistakes, went for the third continuation.
The process is different, and the result is the same. Three defeats for one game.
We split up and started playing a whole new game. I can’t say a lot – in each game I had two or three losses. Not once, not a single hint of none’s outcome. I became upset and began to persuade Michael to take part in the tournament. If I’m all there, he’s champion. Misha severely refused, but from that moment on, in every tournament game, for me, except for my own wife, our neighbors were sick. And in the evening, after dinner, we gathered in the hall where I was getting my portion of matts.
The first place I, however, took, although the chance helped - my main competitor unexpectedly lost to a man who had no wins before that meeting.
In the evening before dinner, the sports and cultural organizer came to the club-table, asked for silence and announced the results of the chess tournament. Me and two other prize-winners were asked to go out for the award. And suddenly he that in their modest pension rested ex-chess world champion Mikhail Tal! I asked everyone to ask Michael.
Nehemyevich to give awards to the winners of the tournament.
Everyone in the room turned their heads, then stood up and began to applaud.
It is clear that the applause was not intended for the prize-winners, but for the world-famous Michael Thale, whom few people knew in the face.
Giving me my diploma, Misha smiled:
What, champion, after dinner in the hall?

I decided to tell you this story in addition to someone’s recent note about the simplicity and modesty of the very early deceased Michael Tal.

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