— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Support in social networks:

and XXX:
Why, when I walk outdoors in the winter without a hat, do my ears freeze? There is no such problem in the summer. What am I doing wrong?

The Support Agent:
Hi to!

You go without a hat. You do the rest right. In winter, outdoors are colder than in summer. Just put on a hat and the problem will go away.

Always pleased with your questions.
The support team.

and XXX:
I still don’t understand this relationship between winter and ears, please explain.

The Support Agent:
It is cold in winter. When it is cold, the open areas of the body freeze. Ears without a hat are an open area of the body. I think you understand the logical chain.

and XXX:
Now everything has come to its place! Thank you very much, you helped me solve a serious problem in my life! Can I count on your help in other difficult life situations?

The Support Agent:
Of course you can. We are always happy to help!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna