— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From discussions in contact:

Any child up to 12 years of age, if his upbringing is not hit by a hook, but elementarly familiarize him with the world around him, at the expense of his non-standard intelligence will be able to come up with 30 applications of the coin in 5 minutes (!) and 10-30 for the next 5 minutes depending on the level of development. One child and one.
There will be games and torture with this coin, a lot of things.
Playing blinkers on the lake, rotating around the table, making a graphite...
That’s a bit of a madness, right? 😉

YYY: If a child at the age of 12 comes to mind at least one way to torture a coin, it is not very such an education probably.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna