— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Yula: Did you get to work?
Mazenrad: It was taken on one condition. I have to rework the resume and instead of "communicable, purpose-oriented..." write "fun and ingenious", and the photo must be taken with a lion on the face.
Yula: What is it?
Mazenrad: In the interview, the boss asked if his relatives were abroad? Well, I take it, that my grandfather with his friends in the 45th participated in a walking tour of Germany, and I myself was behind the bucket only once, when I accidentally went to the shlagbaum at the Kazakh customs when I accompanied my aunt.
Mazenrad: The chief said that when I was to be fired, he wanted to remember what kind of shit he took me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna