— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There is such a guy, A. Raymer (now the head of UFSIN, a noble troll, on YouTube watch the video with him). At one time he headed the Orenburg Oblast...then appointed to Samara

At the move there was some misunderstanding, and the meeting party was waiting for him at the wrong post of the DPS.

Rainer in the civic entered the post that was originally supposed to be.
There is a Sergeant of the DPS, feet on the table.
C: You have to fuck here.
R: You should have met me.
C: Who are you?
Re: My name is Reimer
C makes a smooth transition of their posture to stand humbly with a simultaneous attempt to give honor.
R: Sit down, civil honors are not required to give

c) Arsenij Smirnov

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna