— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the correspondence with sapport
Oh, I apologize deeply for such unreasonably sharp words to your exceptionally responsive, skilled and incredibly prompt support service (which can’t solve my problem already, apologize from January 8th to March 25th of this year). I won’t be wise and argue that the word shit is definitely decent, literary and in general, but you will soften your just anger, postpone your grievances for later and we will focus on solving my technical problem?
P.S. In no case wanted to offend you with my previous message, exceptionally responsive, qualified and incredibly operational support service, I apologize once again if unintentionally offended you. I am so sorry! Believe me, I didn’t mean anything bad.
P.S to P.S Please note that this message does not contain any native words, hidden hints, religious propaganda, threats, racist statements and is written grammatically correctly and as correctly as possible.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna