— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Cheshirsky^_^: She humiliated us all in the crowd in the gym (((
Cheshirsky: Exercisers, shower and all that. Then get a new deodorant and read the instructions. He used geles before, now took with a sprayer. He reads and asks: spray from a distance of 15 cm - and it's about how much in the eye?
Cheshirsky^_^: I, a fool, and cried: well, about the length of a member.
Cheshirsky^_^: And this two-metre-long nest kicks and takes the bottle away from the ankle for all 25, if not more!
Cheshirsky^_^: Nikita asks: honestly so much? Pacha, seriously, yeah you are not?
Cheshirsky^_^: They went home quietly:' (

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna