— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From Habr:

Other works of builders and installers:
In the cap. During the repair of the bridge over Oku (within the bridge there is a special tunnel for all kinds of wires), the builders determined that all wires were wiped out and, following these precautions, cut off the optics of three different operators connecting the two parts of the city.
- a classic situation: a construction company with the spoken name "Tornado" excavated a power cable going to the factory of a well-known brand. Since the excavations were carried out without a project, they decided to shut down quietly and weld the cable themselves. Of course, the ground and the phase were confused - industrial equipment and 380V server ups could withstand, but the rest burned everything, even the teasers.
In the severe Russian frosts, the monitors cooked the optics directly in the gazelle. At the same time, one end they pulled through the side door, and the other through the back door. We discovered this when everyone was welded and was about to start laying on the supports.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna