— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There will be no humor, there will be life.
For a year, our employees were released on vacation and vacation because my grandfather, whom she had not visited for a long time, my sister's wedding, with whom they had not communicated for several years, changed the guy she met for about six months, received a dop diploma for which he studied for 9 months... and so on.
I slept my cat today. And on my request for tomorrow's vacation, they only whispered, the occasion was not serious.16 years you met me, I never ate without you, you slept next to me, you could talk and listen. I spent more time with you than I spent with my family and friends together. It is even strange that no one knows me better than you... And when the treatment stopped helping, I killed you so that you didn’t suffer. Sorry Yasha, you were a wonderful cat, and I’m probably a bitch.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna