— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You know, some are made for halloween. Here is one group - always gave everything with one method and a sheet in a cage. and lectures from happiness were written - like everything is clever in the business.
Soon the diplomas. She decided to approach the problem seriously: she took a difficult topic, searched for material at night, the library collapsed. In general, I broke my brain and stereotype as I could.
He brought the teaching – he barely sent her to the fox. He said, “Put this letter somewhere away.
In the bar, she met some guy, he turned out to be the head of a non-bazzo-cool firm, for a whisker she got a ready-made project, invited her to work, and the march struck her.
HHH: So is it. The scientist almost died of happiness when he listened to her pre-defense. such a thing.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna