— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx:In the beginning, when I was jailed with two aunts over 30, I was in mourning. And here I sit, and the aunt discusses the recipes. I didn’t have breakfast, until lunch three hours, inside everything burst, saliva drops, and these sadists argue, they put oil in the chicken or the soup is poured.Blajajajajajajaja... I didn’t stand, I say, what do you do, I live on one of the peelings and chips, and you are a chicken, a chicken.They quieted so, then they excused, and such a poor man, like on one of the chips, you live alone, without parents. And now I’m in full chocolate, aunts are pulling me home food not only for lunch, but also to take home.
YYY: What is the minus? The ugly?
XXX: No, you are cute guys. You can pull electricity with serious intentions, or another cake with rat poison will be.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna