— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ]
XXX: Students are tired
YYY: What is it?
XXX: Building a house, cleaning up the garbage from future apartments.
XXX I am going. I see, guys are working: bricks from the windows are rolling.
XXX: So is it. I think I will spend. I go in, and there...
YYY: What is it?
One is sleeping with him.
xxx: Another on the butt rides, periodically issuing "burning"...
YYY: What are you?
But most of all, I was struck by the other two.
xxx: There is such one in the center of the room opposite the window in the position a-la baseball player with a spade, the second, fell, in the corner - to the supply is preparing. The writer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna