— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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"The Falcon
Wikipedia about streets:

The story

Street drivers are engaged in theft of expensive elite cars, while law enforcement collaborators are in vain trying to catch them. The friend of the leader of the streets Katya goes to the newcomer Stepan, which creates a conflict within the cohesive team... In general, the film is full of shit. For stupid glamorous teenagers in the right way"

And then more:

In the main roles
Marina Alexandrov - Katya
Alexey Chadov - Stepan
Nicholas Chindaykin, father of Katie
Brad Pitt as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Evgeny Petrosyan - Princess Kitana
Jett Lee as Master of Yoda
Nikita Mikhalkov as Lieutenant Rzhevsky
Frunzik Mkrtchan as Frodo Baggins
Bruce Willis as Cardinal Richelieu

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna