— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Ashes: It's nonsense, here I, when I was a kid, faithfully believed in my own fiction that deep under the sludge of the sludge live water gnomes
Ashes: and in the morning with them you must definitely share toothpaste, and how hot they are with unclean teeth.
Ashes: and since the teeth often had to be brushed in the company of a shaving dad (the rough nineties, one bath for all), and transfitting the paste is somehow not a comilfo, I masterfully depicted that I was scratching it, and I didn't take it away intentionally at all.
Ashes: so they lived, daddy - in full confidence that I am a blind man, I am - that I save water dwarfs from caries

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna