— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From JJ Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich, about how he and the company traveled through Ireland:

There was a local rock band in the club, we drank tequila and started jumping in front of the stage in the crowd of other people jumping in front of the stage. After forty minutes of such physical exercises, the vocalist announced the final song. This song also turned out to be quite flaming, and we and Vishnevetska continued to jump into space. But this time something was wrong. People around me didn’t jump anymore. Moreover, they straighten up on a string, put their hands on their stomachs and took a super serious look. Some even looked at us with a clear condemnation. In any case, we stopped rejoicing and also put our hands on our stomachs. The grandmother in the cages, who had been running with us all night long, smiled humbly and said:

Well guys, don’t get out. When I came here a year ago, I felt the same.

In short, it turned out that Mitch and I gave the hopak under the national anthem of Ireland – “Soldier's Song”. In many local clubs there is such a tradition: the last song of the evening is the national anthem. It sounds, as a rule, faster than in the squares, stylized in the way of the performer and can quite go behind the dance.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna