— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In my first year of emigration, I went to improve my English.

British Society of New York. It is free (very important)

Then then!) Classes were held once a week in a luxurious mansion on Fifth Avenue.

In front of Central Park. Two volunteer teachers spoke with

Students one by one per hour. The hardest thing was to find each other.

An interesting topic to continue from week to week. In my conversations

with Barry Greenfeld, a very old and very rich man,

The topic was the stock exchange. Sometimes he pushed me into trading stocks.

Sometimes I just ticked into a company, and he usually talks about this.

the company knew and gave a detailed analysis of the chances of its shares to increase or

of decline. I could not use his advice because of the full

There was no money, but it was interesting. At least I learned a lot.

Terms I used later.

I had no doubt that Barry was playing now, but he never told me.

their successes or failures. Eventually, I got overwhelmed and

He continued to use his encyclopedic knowledge.

increase their own well-being, in the sense of making money on the stock market.

“More and less,” Barry replied.

Why is?

Over the years, I’ve gotten worse at guessing the signs.

What are signs?

How to explain it? My partner thought, there is.

A basic theorem, which can be summarized as follows:

“The stock market cannot be held for a long time.” This means that the scientific

The approach to the stock market is useless and you need to look for someone else. Sometimes

The world around me gives me clues that I call “signs.”

Seeing and understanding signs is difficult, but possible. This happened for the first time at

Many years ago, by chance.

Barry thought again and continued:

After graduating from college, I settled in a quiet and very well-off place.

Newark in the state of New Jersey. Worked in New York as a lawyer.

The office. I went to work on a suburban train from the station on Broad Street.

One cold autumn morning I stood on the platform, and a few

The railway drivers talked loudly about something, and the matter showed

Stationary tower clock (can be viewed at I listened to.

The clock has been acting strangely. Every day they

A little rushing or a little lagging. The clock says that

It was fine, and yet today the clock managed to retreat.

half an hour.

The same day, something more important happened: the stock market collapsed.

The Great Depression began. In American History 28 October 1929

It was like a black Monday.

On the way home I saw and understood the most important sign in my life: I remembered.

The clock and somehow linked the delay of the clock with the stock market crash.

Observing over the course of a month, I was convinced that if the clock is in a rush in the morning, the shares in the

This day goes up. If they fall, the shares go down. Where I could

He borrowed money and started playing in the stock market. A year later I resigned.

I bought an apartment with a view on the clock and binoculars. In five years I

He became a very rich man. He married a beautiful girl and raised her.

My children traveled a lot with their family. In 1943 I joined the army.

He spent three years in Europe and returned in 1946. Checked the clock. They went

Certainly, but I wasn’t upset because I didn’t need money.

have tried.

Were there other signs?

Yes, but it was more modest. At the beginning of September 1985

I dreamed of my dead mother. She said, "My son, with his chic

You have forgotten all the Jewish holidays. Roš Ha-Shana, the Jewish New

Do not forget to buy apples and honey. I woke up upset, I remembered.

As my mom poured a little honey into a plate and we made the apples there. Buyed

Both the other. He also bought shares of Apple and Honeywell.

10 to 1. Two years later, in September 1987, my mother dreamed of me again. She

She said, “Son, soon is Yom Kippur, the day of redemption. This day is wise.

People give up their vows: I sold the shares, and in a week the market

He collapsed again. I earned 1400% at Apple, and I earned 1400% at Honeywell.

I lost a little, but without it it doesn’t happen.

What was the last sign, if not a secret?

The last sign is you. Actions that you offer to me

In our classes for analysis, I earn an average of 4% per week.

by Abrp722

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna