— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was morally raped today :(
xxx: I go as usual past the church to work, inhibited by some poor old lady, dirty, stinking, in bustles.
xxx: and asks, says I don't know when the fifth iPhone comes out
xxx: I was upset by surprise, I say, heard like September 12
I asked if I would order.
X: Serroga, am I a hipster or somebody else? I know I have an iPhone.) I show her my old nokia, which from old age and murder is dissolved in my hands, I say, I don’t have an iPhone, it’s off to me.
xxx: And here she gets a new pure iPhone 4 in a pink checholique with anime!! to
xxx: now I understand how they look at the shit, because that’s how she looked at me! With such incomparable compassion and compassion and contempt that I felt inferior.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna