— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx: she says when I have a break with school or a cursor, she will come and cook us soup xd
I can cook myself.
You will not dispute my mother.
You know how to cook soup?
YYY : of course. to cook ragi, to smoke vegetables and meat, to make omelets, 5-6 dishes of potatoes, meat and vegetables, to baking cakes, to make cocktails and glint wines, to make pizza, to cook shrimp, to roast fish and meat, to make cakes and baking and more...
XXX: O_o
Not a man, but a dream.
You will cook everything.
XXX: I go to work.
yyy: as well as smoothing, washing, cleaning, washing the floor, twisting, breaking, repairing, going to work, for food and other things.
XXX: Do you want me?
Fuck with whom?
xxx all by myself :)
yyy : :-/

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna