— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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recently married. Before this, I met with my future wife for a long time (2 years) and almost lived together, so the process of processing my brain was slow, gradual and seemed unnoticeable to me. Holy friends ask how life together has changed you, and so on. And so on, but I said with full confidence that no, that all the fiction and nothing in essence has not changed. The story after which I realized that changed at least a lot happened as follows: A woman in the night asked to buy milk and Nesquik (chopya),ly never ate. I went with a friend to the store took the desired goods I stand at the box office in a row, and in front of me is a girl in her hands with beer and shrimp. The moment of insight was expressed in the ear: “Why, why do I buy milk at 12 a.m. when I also want beer and cakes!!!” They all laughed. Especially a divorced friend :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna