— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Jews were employed in foreign trade. They are not very complaining and

They decide to get rid of an impossible task. They sell to England.

of Zaporozhye. In a month, he signs a contract for the supply of a large batch.

of Zaporozhye.

sent to Japan. The task is to sell Soviet calculators. through

Six months: a large contract for the supply of calculators to Japan.

Everyone scratches the rabbit and thinks of sending it to Africa, to the equator, to the wild.

to sell the fur. For more than a year, neither hearing nor spirit. Everyone breathed up.

With relief he died. But he comes. Burned and with a contract

Supply of a large batch of meats.

Everyone is in shock and start to experience how he was able to check it all?

In England it is simple. Just arrived, I walk on the street, meet the typical

The Jewish face. We greeted, met and talked. Pick up the necessary

People who came out on their lobbyists in Parliament, conducted a bill...

It was hard to find a Jew in Japan. But when he found, he met.

They brought out the right people, came out on the people in the government, carried out the law.

And in Africa, the problem was not so much to find a Jew, but

Creating a Parliament and a Government. And then it is simply...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna