— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I still have from the younger classes of the school roots of Gosha. He has a sister Katya. They were 7-9 years old. Once their parents went to the country, and they stayed in the city with their grandmother. On the country grew some amazing and special strawberries, fantasticly tasty, but unharvesting - for the season 3-5 kilograms were removed. Well, the grandmother informs that the parents in the car have come up and unloaded, and they have a bowl of strawberries with them. Well, a brother and a sister and collapse with a gallop on the street (9th floor). Katyue was lucky, throwing her shoes and into the elevator. Gosha had the habit of walking around the house in cowards, while his pants were stretching, the doors of the elevator were already closed. Gosha was a sports boy who ran down the stairs. He would just run past the elevator, but his mind worked. On each floor he did not let go of pressing the call button, Katya had time to get to the car at the moment when Gosha was squeezing the last cubicle in his mouth.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna