— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At the exit of the courtyard the road and the sidewalk. Every morning I go to work and there is a “six” on the sidewalk. Between the six and the metallic 50-centimetre home barrier, on the other hand, is a road. I don't want to go out on the road - cars and ice... I always bypass the sixth from the side of the house, i.e. In those 50 cm. I am a man big enough. And this morning I go, I look at the six stands, the engine is heating. As usual, I crawl into those 50 cm and accidentally hit the car with a package, slightly, sliding. The package - nothing special - papers, documents... But the mosquito man pops out of the car and begins to weep and whip his fist. I didn’t find the words, but I looked around... Mosko rushed into the car and shut the door. I walked five or five meters away and heard the whisper again. did not turn. has gone. The next morning. I go to work, six in the same place, the motor is heating, the mosque is pulling on some man. The man turns - the mosque hides, the man goes on. Moska hopes out to squeeze... and the man decided to return... with a barely heard click, the knife opened up. Moska, embarrassed, barricades in the car. The man approached, not in a hurry, thoroughly pierced all four wheels, and went his way. There were no six today. I will see tomorrow...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna