— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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" The Medical School Of the 20 members of the group, 19 people pay for the exam. And after all, the exam is necessary, "medical", not a philosophy.
I’m from other times, but, students, are you all learning like this now?

I am 24 years old. Ideally, at the age of 22, people get higher education (if there is no army, there was no college, there was no discharge, academia. holidays, prisons and so on.) is
At the institute I had the nickname Immortal. During my studies I had to be counted off exactly 8 times, but that never happened. It was the subject of my pride.
After finishing my studies and going out into the big world of the cigarette fog near the institute of the brewery, where I spent most of my training, I was terrified to realize that I knew absolutely nothing. in general. In other words, with my diploma, I could only count on physical work.
First I stopped drinking. Smoking the same day. Not to mention more. For a year he did not work and did not leave the house. I did sports during the day and read books at night. After a year I opened my business and for a year I have been actively and successfully continuing to run it. The sport did not give up. I have not returned to bad habits.
Take care of yourself, your health, your time. Only you will be able to pull yourself out of the pit in which you, by youthful inexperience, dug yourself during your student years. The Peace.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna