— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Husband on guard. We agreed to go with friends to nature, drink champagne and look out of the car on the beautiful snow. We are fortunate to have one girl who combines such ideal qualities as a car and doesn’t drink at all.
The evening. We go to the store. I am given N-a sum of money for champagne and snack. I choose for a long time, pay, go out of the store and put on the cap so that the snow for the shelf does not fall, I sit back on the back seat of the car.
In the cabin it is dark, I have arranged the bag, packed the bags, picked up the bottle and announced loudly: "Dear friends, while my husband is on guard, I just have to drink. I chose the Crimean red. And smoked sausages. I think you will like it". And then I stretch out a pack of sausages to Ire (which I think should be driving), I raise my eyes at her, and there - and there I am looked at by two fainted men. And next to this threatening female voice: "Taaaaaak...".
The situation was saved by my girls who saw that I was in the wrong car. I waited and decided that something was wrong and I had to be saved. And just after that the door opens and they say, “Sorry. It is our. She is weak on the head. I can’t remember what kind of car we have".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna