— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XXX: How the pop hired a worker
To you, girl, my life will be easy, not as much to work as to rest!
You will wake up in the morning, as you would, to the light. You will wash the cattle, clean the courtyard, feed the cows, let them go, put them in the straw and rest.
Breakfast you shake up, samovar you warm up, meat us with mommy breakfast and sleep-rest!
In the field you will work, in the garden you will field, in the winter you will go to the woods, you will go to the seed and sleep and rest!
You will cook lunch, you will baked cakes – my mom and I will sit down for lunch, and you will sleep.
After lunch, wash your dishes, clean your bed and rest!
When the time is appropriate, you go into the forest for berries, for mushrooms, but the mother is sent to the city, so you run away. Go to the city with your hand, and there will be no eight warts, and then rest.
And you, girl, are sleeping day-to-day, what time will you sleep at night?
At night, you will struggle, squeeze, raise, sew and rest again!
Well, in the morning, you wash your clothes, which needs to be washed, cut off to sew and sleep-rest!
Girl, it is not for nothing. I will pay money. Every year for rubles. Think of yourself. A hundred years is a hundred rubles. You will become rich!

YYY: ordinary job ads for an enicacheer

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna