— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I believe that a problem of this magnitude is not solved every minute. Taking into account all the factors that exist at the moment, as well as assessing the risks that may still arise in the process of restoring your hard drive, plus the importance of the files it contains and the greater probability that they will be irreversibly deleted, I am ready to tell you only that the cost of my work will be slightly different than usual.
She: I was just going to try anal sex, and I was thinking where to start.
I like this way of paying more.
She is: Oh! It was not you! Forget it! and [
The maximum is 100 rubles.
She is: Beautiful! I can put you on the phone.
He said: Oh! It was not you! Forget it!
The suggestion is understandable. 1 to 1 :-(

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna