— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From one forum "Good morning! I have a very "touchful" situation, I don’t even know how to say. The days ago, I was at a reception with a gynecologist about cervical erosion, I had previously taken the smears, they were not very good. He called me in the weekend hospital to take a smear on the microflora, but the fact is that he said the smear should be taken after orgasm stimulation, what he did (begun to cause clitoral orgasm). Sorry for these details. Softly speaking, I was in shock. Here you can tell me, is his action legitimate, what such analyses are taken? I will need to go back to him again, with erosion then something to do, and I am afraid now and I am very unpleasant this whole situation."And what would I advise this lady (32 years old, by the way) you, &username&

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna