— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There are many teaching stories about how our naive people are bred in the field of trade. This “Lohovsky” divorce did not pass by me. It was about buying a car. Many, who have faced the purchase of a car, will confirm that sales managers often try to "blow up the untouchable" and steam the buyer a bunch of all sorts of "well very useful" things. So when I bought, the manager tried very polite, but too persistently to sell a set of winter tires. And you know, tyres in car salons (even on a two-wheeled bike) stand like on Hammer, so I neglected boldly and for a long time. But! To be more convincing, the young man says with a very bold voice: "Girl, you have a car on guarantee, so tyres (the tyres!!) You should only buy from the official dealer, in order to avoid technical problems of the car." I stand... I think... well, yes, I’m a girl, well, I’m not very familiar with cars... well, I’m a blonde... After thinking a little, having a mysterious appearance, I ask you to call “the elder at the car show.” Comes a solid look uncle, not hesitating for a second I ask a question (very polite, note): "Tell me, please, and you have in the car showroom works so unskilled staff, who do not understand the characteristics of the car or I am here just a fool?" And then both with red faces for 15 minutes listened to a lecture on the composition of tires, manufacturers, speed and weight parameters, etc. and etc. Well, how could the poor boy know that I’ve been working in a tire company for 6 years...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna