— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A girl with a fragile composition and a traditional lamb weight (45 kg) goes on the street. He wears glasses and is very intelligent. Well, the type can read, and behind the shelf never stood and the asphalt is not "placed".
On her shoulder was a beautiful bag. The girl slightly holds the bag with two fingers so that she doesn’t talk too much (haste).
Somewhere in the depths of the street, a young hooligan on a motif dreams of nuts and avuares from a girl’s bag. The starter presses, gains speed, catches the bag for the belt...
The girl slightly holds her fingers (she’s still a competition coach and knows how to hold on, it’s on the machine. Moreover, in the bag - snacks for the horse and promised rubber for the streams - such a value can not be given to the enemies).
The motif of inertia is carried further, then falls, and the young hooligan falls immediately, pulled out of his moving nest by two fingers of a forty-five-kilogram hammer. Because again - the girl knows how to hold the occasion and not pull out her own hand.
The curtain.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna