— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A few days ago, walking his taxi in the park, watched a funny picture. At four meters from the trail, someone took out and left a cardboard box with a cloth. I don't know why or why, but the cloth from this box was noticed by the protein, and so sharply began to drag, apparently, into his house. Once she escaped, two escaped, three... But here on the horizon appears a man with a wheelchair, who, looking around with a predatory gaze, assessed how to survive... At this time our worker, grabbing another sling, broke to the house. The man, approaching the box, looked at it, but apparently decided not to smash it in a public place, but simply put it on a wheelchair, and quickly walked on. The white woman returned and did not see her box, looked around and noticed a man with a wheelchair with the same box. Having issued an unclear cry, a whisper, or something else, the white broke behind the man, caught, jumped onto the box, not ceasing to whisper something on its white tongue. The man looked around and saw a whirling whirl. The game lasted about a minute. I don't know if the man perfectly mastered the white tongue, or simply guessed that he did not take his own, but, smiling, he removed the box from the wheelchair and put it aside from the trail, and he went on his own business. Belka instantly grabbed some cloth from the box and instantly took away, apparently, to complete her house.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna