— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We have in the construction universe such an idiotism called an “explanatory note.” Each time you submit a project, you must bring 7 A4 sheets with a description of your architectural project. And it would be nice to consider the designs, but fucking, we are dealing with planning and appearance! What a tip of 7 sheets, here in one and a half can fit! And the most offensive thing that the preaches seem to have never even read these notes.

And here one night, the night before the project, I wrote this nonsense, frankly sucking it out of my finger. Angry was like a dog, the project dropped, I wanted to sleep, and here is that shit, which I always forget until the last moment. I decided to do an experiment. Right in the middle of the explanatory note I inserted a detailed description of my first sex in the slightest detail. At the same time, it reached up to 7 pages. He came the next day and gave up.

Of course, the note "read" with an invisible eye. I had the widest smile that day and nobody could understand why.

The project itself, by the way, was so good that it went to the fund of the best works. A note with him. Now I am studying in another country, and when I am thirsty, I sometimes transfer mentally to the dark archive of my universe, in the depths of which on a dusty shelf in a coloured folder in the section with my name lie 7 sheets of A4 format.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna