— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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6 Copecs

Anatoly Ivanovich was the owner and CEO of a small but reliable enterprise. He lived, lived and lived until his glorious half-century anniversary.
The employees of the firm gathered in full composition – all twenty people and began to think convulsively: – What to give to the boss?
They judged – ruled, dropped a hundred dollars and decided to buy a chic leather chair – practically a throne on wheels.
Anatoly Ivanovich was delighted with the expensive gift, even a tear let go and his old, by the way, leather table, solemnly handed the old lady - the secretary.
But now the solemn moment ended, the employees dispersed in the workplaces, and the happy anniversary remained alone in the office.
He swung in a new chair, used lever and adjustments, drove up and down and discovered for himself one minor but deadly defect for the pedant: in a normal position, the seat of the chair stood not horizontally, but had a small slope down. A deviation of a few degrees of everything, the other would not even notice, but Anatoly Ivanovich could not think of anything else and felt himself like a clay bump, which slowly but inevitably slides down from the soft, leather coffin of the excavator...
To put a pillow under myself on a chair for two pieces of backs was pretty stupid.
Buying another, normal chair and sitting on it while nobody sees... is also not that.
Give it back to the store? People will be offended and will do the right thing.
One thing remains – repair, or rather, modernization.
Called the furniture master on the Internet, the specialist appeared, twisted, raised the chair and said:
- With the tilt nothing can be done, the design is like this - it is not treated, get used to it. Where did you look in the store? Well, okay, you have 1200 rubles for the challenge.

But the poor boss did not give up and called a new specialist.
The new man lay under the chair, devoted the lamp, then sat down, moved to the table, grabbed the host "Parkers", so that it was something to take hands and issued a verdict:
- The slope, in principle, can be slightly corrected, you will have to pull a new crown on the machine - it will cost... so, so, so, in the area of 17 thousand rubles. In a week it will be ready.
Well, seventeen, so seventeen, a week I move.
Plus two thousand transportation to us.
“No, I don’t want to show people that their chair has gone for repair.
- Then it will not work, you can make a mistake in size, the slope will get even worse, and then what? It is not serious.

Anatoly Ivanovich again remained alone in the office and fell into a slight panic. He even thought of how to drop the cursed chair from the window on a rope so that the employees would not notice it, and after repairing the same way back. Employees may not notice, but the mints in the booth across the road, which the embassy is guarding, will surely be spotted.

Per, mother's, a pillow wrapped in scotch scotch is not such a bad option.
But here Anatoly Ivanovich suddenly recalled the long-forgotten history of a decade ago. Not even history, but a small road episode: - Once in the evening of December 31, the chef went with his family to the country and saw in the cottage a "gigol" shimmering with an accident. Anatoly Ivanovich stopped, approached and looked. Inside the “gigula” a blue man named Misha knocked his teeth. He, like everybody else, rushed to celebrate the New Year, but slightly overtaken with speed and slightly flew into the square.
Only as soon as the cars were few and in four hours no dog stopped to help, and the stove had eaten all the gasoline.
All we have to do is knock our teeth and hope for the fortress of Emily.
Anatoly Ivanych with his monster easily pulled the miserable onto a hard road and even let three liters of gasoline go off to get enough to the country.
Just as the frozen rescued did not squeeze the money, the rescuer rejected them. No need and everything - the impulse of the soul with money is not measured. But after long complaints, Misha still managed to pay, and only for the gasoline itself, and for the human impulse said a simple spiritual thanks and that he was in an unpaid debt.
To say goodbye, the rescued took his hand, handed him a business card and added that he was an excellent car slider and, if anything, at any time of the day.

The boss rubbed the contents of the box on the table and still found an old, broken card. Ten years is a long time, maybe the phone has changed. He called:
“Good morning, is this Misha?
Yes, and who is it?
I don’t even know how to say? Remember, ten years ago, maybe eleven years ago, you flew out to the cottage before the New Year.
All I remembered! What can I help you? Something with the car?
Not with a car, with a chair, even though it stands like a car.
- No matter, tell the address, I will come as soon as I can - I will help.

After an hour, Misha with two large toolboxes was already in the office.
He planted and raised the boss ten times, measured something with a barrel, then planted again and raised again. Eventually, he completely disassembled the chair on the screws and left.
An hour later, Misha returned with a third box and finally collected the chair again from individual rails.
Then came the exciting moment of the test.
The chef gently sat down, swung, jumped and floated like a small child in a happy smile. A lot is needed for complete happiness. The inclination of the seat was perfect and held with accuracy to degrees, neither more nor less.

“Misha, you are a monster, a wizard, I just now realized – how comfortable it is! You saved me!
The joyful chef drew to the wallet, but the master looked at him and said:
“Anthony, I won’t take the money, because you didn’t take it from me. Just say thank you and I will be pleased.
“Misha, you can’t, because you went to me and killed me for four hours, take this at least.

Anatoly Ivanovich extended three thousand rubles.
I won’t take, don’t even persuade. Well, it’s time, I was glad to help.
- Wait, Michael, but then on the road I still took your money for gasoline.
Gasoline is worth the money, but the momentum of the soul, as they say.
- Then let's do this: for the impulse of the soul and the work itself, thank you very much, but at least for spare parts I will still pay.

The master suddenly smiled, put the boxes on the floor, tightly grabbed Anatoly Ivanovich’s hand and said:
We agreed, spare parts at your expense. In total, you have exactly 6 copies, only, please, without giving.
6 copies, why 6 copies? What are these spare parts that cost 6 copies?
- All right, count yourself: three coins per penny are installed on one side of the inclined mechanism and three on the other. The whole...?

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