— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The son as a decent "squeeze" not pulled the check!!! to
1 May, Blah, call the home phone, hello, I am the mother of Svyatoslav (MS), I can talk to you. I opened it, let it in...
Your son gave a grenade to our son with the words “it’s candy!” You start at home, you surprise your mom!"
And fucking! The repair fucking. All in the shade! Give me money! He sent far away...
Without a phone call, knock on the door. Pope Svyatoslav enters and beats the table, takes "book", "tablet", "telic". Type of calculation! He was healthy...
I ask my son "what for us"
He pushed me in the yard.

Write a statement to the police. Theft with penetration into the home... There are fears, the suspect’s address is there, the nearest lombard to check or his apartment, a matter of several hours. People love such simple things. And if Pope Svyatoslav is not only strong, but also smart, he will not only return the stolen, but also pay for your repair, just not to sit down.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna