— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the Russian-language Estonian newspaper:

The Finns and Estonians after the Winter War do not love the Swedes, nor do they complain. The Swedes pay them with the same coin, are skeptical of the Norwegians and fear the Russians. The Norwegians spit on all of their oil a lot, but the Russians are also afraid - for every case. Estonians are highly attached to Latvians and are wildly afraid of Russians. Lithuanians despise Latvians and Estonians and are proud of their great past. Latvians, like the Baltic ones, sit on top of them and are also wildly afraid of the Russians. Russians are all fooled. They beat under Poltava the Swedish Charles the Twelfth and compare themselves only to the Germans.
They do not like Jews.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna