— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the lump on the moonspike EVE Online ))))
... o/, harosh camping on the gate, a point in the ally I will invade in the gang and warp on the gate of the EC, we will fail on me in zero, I am on the barrel, I hold the apocalypse, drones are killing me.

Translation into Russian:

Hi (o/ - head and raised hand - greeting), I propose to turn your seat near the star gate, sign up in the alliance chat (as a rule, players put a point or X in the chat) I will put you on the list of my fleet, and you make a hyper jump to the star gate leading to the EC-P8R system, when you come to the gate activate them. When you are in the system, find me in the list of the fleet and approach me (the soldiers in the fleet can find each other without special scanners and probes), I on the ship of the class of Malediction with the help of an electronic impact device do not let the enemy liner go in hyper jump, its drones damage my ship.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna