— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Today I heard a whistle from the Sachachenica, she was talking to my wife on Skype, after which I slipped off the couch. This story would be told by Zadornom from the scene, and I will already write how it will work out, although it is not bad for Sikachenko too.
The sisters discussed holding the “parent’s day”, which is traditionally held after Easter, in different places from Sunday to Thursday. She tells her how she will do it, what she will take with her, and so on. Drinking will not take, telling no one to drink, and no reason, but reminded that some take with them so much that they stay there and sleep (in the cemetery). By the way, they had one grandmother, who went to visit the deceased husband, took a bottle of vodka with her and gradually drank during the day, and could still eat with the neighbors. This is about her and the story, it must have coincided!
Ten years ago it was, she was fattened so that she stayed overnight at the cemetery, lay on the bench installed near the grave, the good was already warm. And at this time, at night some guys decided to rape a young girl, dragged to the cemetery, this is the usual trick of the rapists to suppress the will of the victim. In order to finally suppress the girl's will, they began to force her to drink a glass of vodka, but refused and refused. But then from the darkness suddenly a bone hand runs out and a voice is heard: "Then give me if she doesn't want to." The rapist was immediately forgiven, and the girl fainted. She woke up, and her grandmother stopped and said, “Don’t be afraid, I just lay down here to sleep, and here you lie, what happened to you?” and named herself by name. Somehow she caused the girl to feel and took her home. When it became clear how it really was, the parents did not carry this grandmother on their arms, their gratitude was immeasurable, they then buried her when she died.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna