— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I felt birth struggles, it was in the summer. In panic, not finding the bag, I began to put everything I could need for childbirth in my husband’s backpack. I took my happy shirt and fur winter hat, just she's happy with me. In a state of affection, together with the nose and stomach forward, I drove to the nursery, good that our town is small. In the reception room, I asked the doctor that I must have all the things I brought with me, they are happy with me, I understand that it is not appropriate, but I will thank you financially for this, only please do not ask questions about things, I have a point. The doctor's eyes burned, he said, saying no question, I will order. I gave the doctor $100, I said it was a prepayment, the doctor just jumped off of joy. They took me to the chamber, and I already have such a condition, I don't understand anything from the clashes, my sister brings a wheelchair and gives me things, I look at the nightclub lying there, my wool cap and hockey hockey. I asked what it was and why, what the sister replied, dress everything and quickly, the doctor said that everything should be dressed for you. I don’t think about anything, the doctor said, so I need to, maybe the skirts are dressed so that I don’t run away. They take me through the hospital in a shirt, a clothed hat and skirts. People look at me with huge eyes, even acquaintances got out of work and don't even say hello, but strangely look at me, I think probably in the summer I wasted a warm hat. They took me to the chamber, helped me to get up on the chair in skis, I lay so interesting with my legs set and I think all the hell on me skis dressed. The doctor runs, and cries at the sister, saying why the bowls are not wrapped with bandages? Or do you want me to cut it off? The sisters swing the skates, I somehow calmed down, because of them, the doctor wasn't even surprised, and also the sisters rushed, you can see their know-how, I read about birth in the water, but to skate, the first time I see. But I still see that somehow they look at me with distrust, and doctors will come in, look at me and grab my mouth and run out, I hear the whistle in the hallway, I think, yet in vain I warm my hat in the summer dress. We brought another baby, placed next to the chair, I look at her without skates, I don’t understand... I ask the doctor, and why is she without skates? Doctor, he said, so she did not ask them to dress, and you were lying in your backpack... they ordered it themselves!!! And then I discovered these skates, they were in my husband's backpack, and I was in a state of affection and didn't notice. I explained the situation to them, the rugging started at its fullest, they say, and we said all your references from a psychiatrist have been reviewed before you have the rugging, and the money has been paid for it... maybe you want my son to be a hockey player, you asked yourself for unnecessary questions not to ask... Born under the general rugging, I was very fast and did not have to struggle, I only remember the faces of doctors and my friends when I was ridden in the corridor and rugging me. So she gave birth to her son.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna