— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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C is charged:
A 11th grade student wrote a CT on 10 out of 100. What she argued about such a low score shocked me.

How could they give me such a low assessment? They have a test with mistakes, and children suffer from it!

Did you write a mistake? You can appeal.

Of course I recorded! Here you look. In the task, you need to specify which words are written together and which words are written through the defect. One option is chicken. How did they do this test if they don’t know the rules?

I don’t understand where the mistake is.

Did you not teach it in school? “No” is always written separately. It should have been written, “Chicken is not dry!”

And what do you think is “dry” and what does it have to do with chicken?

Are you joking? The dryer is such a small bubble! I say the idiots did this test!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna