— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One day I go late from work and argue: there are many who say where I will use some formulas in mathematics or even a graduate work... remembered my and thought... mda... my will not be useful anywhere... physmat, tower, differential geometry... this is something... I remembered it hard... and with such thoughts I go, I do not pay attention to anyone and here I am criticized: "Hey, you hear, come here." They were three local alkashi. So it is harmless, but it is not necessary to connect again, in addition, such words did not predict anything good. Here I cried out in response to what was in my head, my thesis... "Double affinity connections induced by the normalization of the projective space!!And he went further... I did not hear anything afterwards, apparently such a large bond of ununderstood words slowed the thought processes in their heads...

You say it doesn’t help ;)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna