— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I recently went to a large computer store for details, there for savings recruited warehouse staff gastarbayters - whether Tajik, or Moldova - women, men. Fuck how these people understand their business! Let them speak with a little accent, but know all the models that are in stock! They will remember all the configurations, methods of checking and can even give advice on iron! This is their job, and most likely a temporary one, but now they are working on it, and therefore they know their business. So why all these fucking "high-qualification" courses of banking workers, "effective business workshops", about which I get regular spam, why all these crowds of banking fucking people - psychologists, personnel consultants, managers, senior managers, senior managers of personnel - why can't they recruit instead of their high salaries stupid fucking cheats with IQs below 50 normal employees - employees for whom this is the profession they have trained in their fuzzy financial academies, employees who would be able to mistakenly dig five digits into the charts, could answer the simplest questions and didn't lose applications on their tables filled with sham?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna