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TMMaRMaZTM: At acceleration, the best grip at the rear drive, because the weight of the car at this point is transferred backwards, thereby pressing the rear wheels and unloading the front wheels.
freaky_biceps to TMMaRMaZTM: C why is this "weight transferred back"? GGGG...
Dneppp37 to freaky_biceps: First, the front wheels leave, they are swiftly caught by the engine, then the body begins to stretch flat, the rear wheels are still on the asphalt...
freaky_biceps to DNepp37: The car starts horizontally. From what point does the vertical load on the rear axle "increase" and on the next "decrease"?
freaky_biceps to DNEPp37: Do they have magical guiries from hyperspace? )))
DNeppp37 to freaky_biceps: No, just with a sharp start and wheezing of the wheels, the front amortizers pull out the neck - see what henna, and the rear with the yopanavrot shout sit down and close the ears with their hands.