— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A day ago, I was hit by a roadster. They brought a German unit, which puts asphalt on the machine, a person only needs to pull and pull buttons, and they did not know how to use this miracle of technology, 10-12 years ago it was. So I called a speaker from Germany. He came and, grit, can’t put it right now... well, they think, we’ll wait. And the German was inexpensive to them, every day was expensive to the enterprise. This special, a week murmured their brigade, saying that the weather was wrong. And one day, looking at the barometer, he said it was time! And asleep at 12 o’clock in the morning, almost 12 hours laying asphalt. 10 km of tracks on both sides. He told me how he worked and went to his hometown. Well, our immediately took up the business, and a month all the way... but here is the trouble... enthusiasm though it was enough to do everything quickly, but the profit from the German did not get. Ten years later, the road, paved by the Germans, remained in its original form, and the rest of the section was moved every two years. Conclusion, it is better to go to Germany for a month, to gain experience, to raise skill. I was abroad and I was traveling to the aborigines. They don’t read ours. Even in Belarus, DRSU does more quality than we do in Russia.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna