— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The convoy.

My daughter and I went to music school at the age of six. We chose a violin class because the daughter is small, a violinist too, it is not a violin or even a piano. I bought a tool, put it in a drawer and forgot about the problems.
The reality was a little different. The screws were different in size, almost every year it was necessary to buy new ones, to grow, like shoes. There were also various links attached to them. But it was still flowers – in addition to the violin, the required instruments included the piano.
We found a German instrument on the ad, I went to see it, at the same time I tried to lift it. Mama Mia, it weighed three hundred kilograms, no less! I agreed with the housewife, an elderly intelligent woman, that I would take him tomorrow.
I came home, I sit down, think which of the acquaintances to call to help pull him, then the advertisers have not yet met. A friend, a small businessman, comes to visit. “Why did you think?” “Well, the piano must be taken tomorrow, taken down from the fifth floor and lifted up to the fourth.” I usually use alcoholics when something needs to be downloaded and unloaded." "It's like?" He turned out to take them for symbolic money under a receipt from the chief physician in the local airport. “Please order a car and I’ll pick it up for you tomorrow. I also have a seat belt.”
The next day came a small covered truck, in which we went to the alcoholic dispenser for the trucks. There were eight people of different ages, from twenty with a small to fifty, but with the same degree of excessive effects on the face. The driver was slightly stunned when he saw these faces. “Oh, and I can’t drive people in the van.” “That’s pretty rough, through two houses.”
We went up to the fifth floor and I knocked on the door. The most intelligent housewife. “Hello to you! I came to pick up the piano, along with the trucks. come in.”
Judging by her face, more than two or three people of this type together she has never met, and here at once eight, and all in her apartment. He immediately refused her speech. The men also realized some unusualness of the situation, were slightly upset and even decided to understand. In hole socks, they went into the hall and took out the piano. I paid for the housewife, said goodbye and closed the door. She could never say a word.
There were a lot of people, but the organisms were tormented by narzan, so they rested on every flight. Finally the piano was loaded into the car and we went to my house. After the piano was taken to the entrance, I spoke to the driver: “Be sure to wait, they have to be brought back. “Yes, of course, I’ll wait.” I didn’t have time to close the entrance door behind me, as the street broke out and the engine rushed away, like at the start of “Formula 1”.
They went up even longer. Someone has already started to hint that it would be good to get over at the end. “No, guys, I can’t, you’re on the cure. I went to the nearest store and brought a few packages. They began to talk that it would be good to run home. “Only after we bring you back and give you the receipt.”
How do you get them all without getting lost on the road? We were only two, and the car left.
Gine was about a year old at the time, but it was already a big dog, a boxer. I took it for a short guide and walked from behind. A friend was walking in front of him, followed by eight alcoholics with a chain, behind them, watching that none of them would leave, I with the dog on the leash. They did not trust her, so the dog looked at them with caution. The chain was all stretched out, then we turned around the corner and passed by a stop where a small crowd was waiting for the bus. As I passed by the stop, I counted our loads. Eight, but only with a friend. Coming back, he quickly found his young man in the crowd. “What are you standing here? Go with the others.”“I have to go home. I was already angry—while we are talking here, and the rest will spread like cockroaches: “When we come back, let him let you go. And now – quickly catch the others!” the dog felt my mood and cried loudly. The boy went to catch the others who had already been pulled around the corner.
As I walked out of the corner, I suddenly saw one man separate from our stretched chain and took a quick step somewhere. I was nervous and ran after him. “Where are you going? Well, she got up quickly!” Jenny cried out. “I... it’s... I’m going home.” He quickly got up with the rest and walked into the alcohol dispenser, there they will find out if you can be released home!"That wanted to say something, but looking at the dog, which had already pulled the guide, turned and went to catch the others. I followed. I started counting again, did anyone else run away? I counted 10 people together with a friend. How about ten? I counted it again, the same. Only then I noticed that the last one had a bag in his hand. We were with empty hands! He ran, apologized, “The mistake came out!” and while he didn’t have time to recall, ran to catch the others.
We brought them safely. Sometimes I think – what should be to experience a man who quietly walked on the street, and was caught with dogs, put into service and led somewhere?

Mother of Siberia (c)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna