— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Do not meet for clothes.

In the unforgettable nineties we had a film club, i.e. professional dog owners. More precisely, there were a dozen such clubs in the city, but our was sharply different in at least two parameters of "elite": first, there were connections in Russia and abroad, and therefore our dogs were the best in the city, and second, there was a "circle of especially close", which was not easy to get into.
The director (read the club’s owner) is an alpha male, a hundred percent leader, as he will say – so it will be. To pay tribute: in my memory, there was not a single "cossack" behind him.
There was a special creature in this circle.
His name was Andrew. He held Afghan bourses. The reason for choosing – “and they have such a beautiful hair!” Yes, yes, this is such a glamorous voice. Andrew worked in the most expensive salon in the city. The Stylist. A simple layout there cost the monthly salary of a middle-class bank worker. Dressed accordingly - even in women this style caused some confusion. Men have no idea of his sexual orientation, and women also have no doubts.
But it was with our women that he first made friends. and what? Who else can fix a haircut in five minutes (even to yourself, even to your dog) and generally for free? Who else will advise which cosmetics to use, and which is the shit advertised? Who else would advise just like, whose color is more to the face?
The men were treated with a certain amount of distrust, although he also offered them hairstyles.
The Andrew's Club was very helpful in leading courses on trimming - preparation of dogs of "haired" breeds for exhibitions. He was successful, his students co-operated and organized their salon.
... and here was the case, after which our brutal men, the owners of pitbulls, rottweilers, Caucasians stopped touching Andrew with doubts.
So, in the evening, we sit down and discuss options on what transport we will all take to the next exhibition. Andrus is broken.
With a litre bottle of vodka in one hand and a pack of snacks in the other.
I have a son born!! He runs from the threshold.
Eeee... the first? I am interested in the director.
And yes!! The first! There are three daughters!! The oldest is almost six years old.

After the scene, the director said:
Yes, it is a sacred matter. Where are the glasses?

P.S. After that, our men were willing to trust Andrew to shave them too.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna