— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A couple bought a robot-educator with a built-in lie detector.

I decided to try it. Her son has just come from school.

Where have you been? Asked my father.

“I was late at school,” the son replied. The robot answered.

The undercover.

and ah! My father said enough. Now tell the truth!

My friends and I watched porn.

“Look,” said the father, hanging his son another backbone,

Parents should always tell the truth. For example, I never lied.

to their parents!

The robot approaches his father and hangs him two spells, and such as that one.

He barely stood on his feet. My mother, laughing, said to me:

Be gentle with him, after all, he’s your son!

The robot silently strikes her in the jaw.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna