— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Did you have a hysteria in the house yesterday?

0: Yes, my sister brought her dog to a holiday, like to watch. A dog eats a lot, a lazy pebble, or maybe just a life-hindered, but rough, beautiful. For two weeks while his sister was in Greece, he taught her dog to respond to the pursuit of "Vista". And my cat suddenly in the middle of the winter felt the arrival of spring...

I can imagine how it all ended :)

0: ended all the heroes than you imagine, means coming sister - the first thing who goes to me, take my favorite cattle, and sees such a picture, her dog sluggishly cutting circles around the room is trying to silence my cat Tux, and behind this picture lively watched four sisadmin-linuxoids who drink beer and encourage the cat with screams "Good should win!", "Linux forev!" and "You just give up!"...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna