— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The story is not funny, but interesting.
There was a flight technician in our squadron, well, Nestorov with Kazakov he probably did not find, but Chkalov with Bidukov probably remembers. The age gave his sight and he had increased pressure. Who has flown, he knows, if a person is healthy or diagnoses are not many, he has a medical certificate of passing the VC (medical-flight commission) of the size of a little from the palm of an adult man. So, he had a certificate on the A4 sheet. It is a fairy tale.
The crew stayed at one of our southern airports. In the morning we came to the sanctuary to go through the medical check before the departure. Everything went normally, and the on-board technician had the pressure of the transformer 380 to 220. The doctor naturally does not allow the crew.
And there was an old, experienced doctor who worked in this sanctuary, who went through all the Great Patriotic in his time. Prior to his retirement, he was the chief of staff in this same department, and then remained a civilian specialist.
Asked for help from him. He listened to the problem, asked who had the pressure, and when he found out that it was not the pilot or the assailant, he took a bottle of cognac from his safe, poured it into the glass and said, "under my responsibility," gave the glass to the boarding machine. The pressure quickly normalized. The crew went home.
I had a great respect for the front-line doctors before, and after this episode, their authority for me just rose to cloudy heights.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna